Province recommends increase in RCMP members

Type: News Release

For Immediate Release 

March 15, 2022 


After almost a decade of lobbying to the Province of British Columbia for additional RCMP members to serve the Town of Oliver and surrounding area, our voices have been heard. The Town is entering into a MPUA with the Province that will increase the authorized strength of the Oliver RCMP Detachment by two and one-quarter members. 

Currently the Oliver RCMP Detachment is considered a Provincial Unit and has a total authorized strength of ten and three-quarter members to serve Oliver, Osoyoos Indian Band and surrounding rural areas. Under the new MPUA agreement with the Province, the Oliver RCMP Detachment will transition from a Provincial Policing Unit to a Provincial/Municipal Policing Unit. The new Oliver RCMP Municipal unit will contain 6 regular members and the Provincial RCMP unit will have 7 regular members. An increase from 10.75 to 13 members overall for the Oliver RCMP Detachment.

 “The addition of more members to the Oliver RCMP Detachment is welcome news.” Mayor Martin Johansen said. “These additional resources will serve to provide a better response to calls for service and support an increase in proactive policing initiatives. The hiring of additional RCMP members has been an ongoing priority request to the Province for several years and I’m pleased that Council is able to deliver on them.”


The recent release of the 2021 Canada Census confirmed that the Town of Oliver’s population exceeded 5,000 which means the Town will assume responsibility for providing municipal police services starting April 1, 2022.

The Town of Oliver implemented 9% tax increases to build the tax requisition to 54% to support the estimated costs of $900,000 plus to pay for the municipal police service starting in 2022.

In 2018 Oliver Council set its Strategic Priorities for their four-year election term and have been able to implement a number of priorities to ensure Oliver is safe for all residents and visitors. Highlights include; 1) introduced pro-active bylaw enforcement service 2) established the Community Safety & Crime Prevention Committee 3) increased funding to support Victim Services 5) implemented the

South Okanagan Situation Table 5) financially supported the purchase of a new Crime Watch Vehicle and 6) updated the Safe Premises Bylaw to better regulate untidy/unsightly and nuisance properties.


Mayor Johansen, Mayor

Town of Oliver

250 485 7093